Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Untitled Poem & Simple Thoughts

I want to watch her do menial things,
organize her stuff, sort her laundry.
I want to stand back as she cooks dinner,
not getting in her way with my clumsy body.

I want her to like good guys
because I am.
I want her to be kinky in bed
because I am.

I want to see her undress,
not in a sexy way but normally.
I want to run my fingers through her hair,
and have her run hers through mine.

I want her to depend on me,
because that's what I want.
I want her to support me,
because that's what I want.

I want to look at her face,
but it's blurred and won't come in.
I want to know her name,
but I haven't given her one yet.


I've never been very good at poetry, but I've written it off and on for years. It's easier than constructing a story and allows me to express momentary feelings. At least I do know about and understand form and structure (though I tend to willfully ignore most of it). I always think my poetry sucks, but I only know to compare it to Edgar Allen Poe, Emily Dickinson, and James Douglas Morrison (the only poets of whose works I have read a decent amount), and they are all incredibly illustrative and metaphorical, and I simply am not good at either of those. (Frankly, I hate the vast majority of Dickinson's stuff because I don't understand it at all. And I've never been fond of reading poetry, period, because it's hard for me to understand it.)

I've got to stop listening to sappy music. The thing is, I listen to the songs I do because I like the way they sound; the lyrics are often secondary. Still, the lyrics will get to me and make me a little melancholy. At least some of Kate Nash's songs are upbeat (kind of), so I can get her beautiful voice without lonely lyrics.

1 comment:

  1. I liked this one. I think it reads well and is very evocative. Poetry is a good medium for a thought - things that plague the Aspie mind can soothed by writing a poem.
